Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fucking Clemens

So Roger still hasn't learned that the entire world knows that most players in the media for steroids and HGH use are as guilty as Hitler. Denying this is just like smacking everyone in the face with his dick it's so disrespectful. The real shocker is that he's getting brought up on charges before Bonds, that's a real marvel of our legal system.

Continuing with the theme of douche bag news Burt Furve is playing for Minnesota again, surprising nobody. He's going to get paid more than just about anyone else in the NFL to lead a stacked team for "one last shot". It's sickening at this point to speculate that this will actually be his last year. I don't fault him for playing, I fault him for being such a bitch about training camp. We get it, you know how to play football. You don't see Mark Brunell sitting it out at Jets camp. Show up, do the work, get to know your teammates, then play the season. Don't bitch about your ankle, just sit out some of the running and be there for your team. Now the Vikings are favorites to win the NFC and the Super Bowl and we have to endure another Brett Favre love-fest for another whole season. I almost want them to win the Super Bowl just so this will all be over, well that and the Jaguars don't have a shot in hell of winning anything.


  1. Mark Brunell apparently owes millions of dollars to people from his Jacksonville days. One would think being in NY he could just score 8-balls and it would be fair with his posse. That's right Mark Brunell rolls 10 deep son.......

  2. Mark Brunell did something wrong in his lifetime, I'm thinking his kids are blowing through his money like Elin Nordgren quick.
