Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stress from College?

Anyone in college right now count all your blessings. In my professional advice, stay in as long as possible. I don't know much, but clearly the "Real World" is a shittier place to be than usual. I don't know if I don't make enough money to make it worthwhile, but I would do a lot of terrible things to go back to college.

I heard "I Love College" for the first time last week and pretty much thought "FUCK, I MISS COLLEGE SO MUCH!" Anyone who acts like they're so FUCKING stressed about school is a complete idiot. I continually did nothing my last semester of college, drank consistently 4 nights a week, and that means I was pretty shitfaced four nights a week, not just your glass of wine for health drinking, often missed class (EX: attended 4/12 Th. AM classes) and I still pulled B's or better in 4 senior level Marketing courses of which I had no background for. I originally had a Coaching Minor and Journalism Major, then decided to add some substance for business potential with a Marketing Minor, it kept me in college for another semester and may have been the best decision I've made recently.

I do get it, finals are rough, but you get trained in them everyday you go to class. As long as you don't fit your head in your ass, or somebody else's ass during class, you should learn stuff. Teachers walk you hand-in hand for most everything and usually give you what to study for the test. Get ANY real job and see if you get treated like that. See if decisions you have to make for REAL people are a little rougher than A, B, C or D.

I don't like being preachy, but for God's sake enjoy your time at college. You obviously can't be such a huge chucklefuck that you fail, you need to know your limits on how much you need to study/ go to class, but it isn't THAT much. You have less responsibility and more free time than you probably ever will again in your life. So many things are socially acceptable that will never be again. Live it up as much, fuck that, MORE than you think possible. There's a famous quote by Tom Petty

“You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."

Bottom line don't fucking preach about being SOOOOO stressed out. You probably don't have children that depend on you for life, anyone with facebook that does has got to hate everyone that's their friends that bitch about things SO MINOR in comparison. Things will never be easier for you, WAKE THE FUCK UP.

PS- I was once in college too not long ago, probably bitching about similar shit, so I'm certainly not passing judgement, just trying to give perspective.

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