Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Benjamin Button, yeah I know it's pathetic

I'm a ridiculously big fan of movies and I'm surprised they haven't become the fulcrum of this blog more often. I saw the Curious Case of Benjamin Button today and thought it was very well done and your typical heart-string pulling movie.

It is a very decent movie, bring a significant other along or you'll feel like a loser. I just want to bring up I thought Cate Blanchett did a WAY better job then Brad Pitt in this film in dealing with the aging characters of the film. Brad Pitt gets crazy props, but Blanchett is the one who I actually thought deserved the critical acclaim and props for her work. Brad Pitt seems to do very little acting and just plays a simple, easy-going, likable fellow. Blanchett on the other hand plays a ballerina, mother, 18 year-old temptress, and 70 year-old care-taker. The range she shows off beats Brad Pitt's job like Angelina Jolie beats Jennifer Aniston in what my penis thinks, we're talking Sham-Wow guy vs. Hooker beat-down, (quickly replacing making fun of Chris Brown's one-sided beat-down as funniest physical abuse story that shouldn't be funny unless you have no soul.)

I'm going to recommend this movie for the soft-hearted folk who like a little life-lessony/ introspective film every now and again (clearly justifying me thinking it's a decent film without looking freakishly homosexual). I certainly think couples should jump at the chance b/c it does take a big swing at the true love game and love through tough times, kind of Notebooky which I didn't sit all the way through. It got some awards, so it can't be that bad.

7 out of 10, worth a rental.

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