I didn't know the NFL was similar to tribal lands where the laws of the United States are irrelevant and meaningless. Big Ben gets suspended for almost half a season based on rape accusations that didn't even find their way to court? Somebody explain to me why women everywhere don't start blackmailing NFL players so they don't push rape charges on them? All you need are collaborating friends and there you have it.
I'm certainly not saying rape is acceptable, it is rather the farthest thing from it. What I am saying is that if you are accused of a crime that never makes it to court for lack of evidence, you probably are innocent. In being innocent I would think the ordeal itself is enough punishment, but lucky for the world Roger Goddell feels like playing overprotective Dad to the world and suspend Ben Rothlisburger regardless of the findings of the GA police.
If you were suspended without pay from your job for something you were accused of, but never made it to court, what would you think? How is this even possible? Stern was criticized for having a dress code in the NBA, but Goddell walks on water above apparently. Who the fuck gets power like this? He's fucking over the entire Pittsburgh team with this one. NO team could play very well with Byron Leftwich or Dennis Dixon at QB. Who the fuck decided Goddell has no checks or balances against him? Why does he get to flip a fucking coin and hand out suspensions? Nobody should have power like this when hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake and an entire teams season. No player deserves to be suspended for a crime that there was not enough evidence against them to prove anything.
Ben likes to go to clubs, drink, and have sex (hopefully consensually). He's a young, single man. Where in all of this is conduct unbecoming to the team/ the league? Nobody on the Knicks was suspended for having sex with a bunch of strippers. No other league is so self-righteous and full of bullshit to think it needs to police itself by suspending players for things Ginger FUCK doesn't like. There's nothing written about hanging out at clubs, or even being a man-whore, being an offense warranting a suspension. Do you think Joe Namath should have been suspended? Why does Goddell think he has all this power? Who lets him be this big of an asshole? What a power/attention hoarding fuck.
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