Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bill Simmons, may the 7th sphere of hell prepare for you

In the latest I fucking hate Bill Simmons moment he wrote his latest "I'm awesome and everyone I like is the bestest" article he talks about Tiger Woods in another slurpfest despite the obvious fact that anyone with a soul would've talked about the most inspirational golf story ever of Phil Mickelson winning the Masters with his wife and family by his side battling breast cancer. Here's real writing Simmons you FUCKING EAST COAST COCKSUCKING FUCK CLOWN RETARD. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/news/story?id=5077009 That's Rick Reilly, who can be found directly next to Simmons puking shitty writing at ESPN.com.

I used to like Bill Simmons and enjoy some of his articles still, though ever more rare. I just can't possibly look past his egocentrism and basic xenophobism for all things that he likes and doesn't like. It just destroys me that the silver lining he took from the Masters was Tiger's golf game was doing pretty well. I still want to punch Tiger Woods in the face, as should most of the world. To not want Phil Mickelson to win the Masters with his family there seems beyond awful. I hope karma plagues Tiger, as well as galleries screaming things similar to the names I call Bill Simmons.

Side note: Kind of a fan of E:60 and 30 at 30 documentaries on ESPN. Watching Michelle Akers, aka the best women soccer player ever before Mia Hamm, cares for horses now with all of her career "earnings". She didn't make much, but is selling her memorabilia to support her goal of helping unfortunate horses. Her old coach got the soccer community involved, so the women's pro team in Atlanta is helping, as well as her friends donating money. A local contractor, who they didn't name, which is totally fucking bullshit, is donating his time to help her. There was flooding that she's rebuilding from, and it's heartwarming and great. Can't say I'd ever do something similar, but it is great to see somebody so passionate for something money means nothing.

I went to a benefit for a friend's son who was born with his skull plates already fused on Sunday. It made me the beauty of a small town. I watched probably 1,000 people cram into the Dorf Haus dance hall, the same where my sister's wedding reception was held, to raise money to help for medical costs. I saw two people turn back the 50/50 profits to help raise more money. Our local Sentry had a $1300 bake sale over the weekend. It was a goosebump creating experience to see the time and effort brought forth from the family and community. It made me really happy to know the small time love still exists.

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