Saturday, April 10, 2010

Journalistic Integrity

I finally watched Good Night and Good Luck, a film I was supposed to see 5 years ago and have owned for probably almost a year. It's the story of Edward R. Murrow and the struggle to expose Joe McCarthy as a fraud and overall loud-mouth hate spewing fuckface piece of shit. It's a great film that I recommend to everyone. I am an enormous fan of quality black and white and it set a great tone for the movie. Unbelievable ensemble cast like George Clooney, Robert Downey Jr, Jeff Daniels, and the best actor nominee for his part of Ed Murrow David Straithairn. You'll notice pretty much everyone in the film. What I walked away with was a man who unflinchingly believed that the role of news was to be a watchdog and truth bringer to the American public.

Just because I feel like I have to BOTTOM LINE: 8.6 out of 10. It isn't in 3D, so Avatards need not apply to a well done and well thought out film.

It made me think about who I trust for news, and the correct response if you're playing at home is nobody. We don't have a Ed Murrow, or Walter Kronkite of our generation that we trust to say it like it is. Our CNN and Fox News outlets are always under scrutiny for slanting left or right, but certainly not to be trusted is the bottom line. Who is a trusted news source, or even a trusted news anchor in this day and age? As I randomly have Bulls on Parade come on I realize that no matter what you have to respect somebody that stands up for what they believe in and never cheat that, like Rage Against the Machine. I absolutely don't believe in what they do, but I respect how they stand up for what they believe in at all times. You aren't going to see Zach de la Rocha selling out.

Who is our watchdog? In the hunt to make news more popularized to make more money, who has ultimately suffered? It has to be the public. You're more likely to get groundbreaking information from a camera phone than you are from a news network. It's no wonder newspaper is a dying medium, the quality has not advanced in 40 years. I got a C in News Writing because I thought AP style was boring and outdated. My professor was a 70 something former reporter and editor, you can probably see the issue there.

I guess all I'm getting at is who is trustworthy for getting the public real news to make the world a better place? As Ed Murrow said, TV without it is merely a box, lights and wires.

I'll probably save cheap shots at reality TV for a rant later on.

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