Monday, October 5, 2015

The Water Deviner: Russell Crowe is Ruggedly Handsome

I rented the Water Deviner thinking I'd get an uplifting tale of success through hard work and defying the odds. Crowe plays a father who had three sons fight for King and Country (Australia fought for England in WWI, etc) who were listed as deceased after a large battle near the Aegean Sea. Crowe's wife commits apparent suicide drowning in a shallow pond by their home because after four years she lost hope in her sons returning. Crowe decides that would be the perfect time to start looking for their bodies. Britain sent a team to recover "dog tags" and mark the lost soldiers from WWI. Crowe has the impressive ability to locate water in the Australian desert and that helps him locate two of his sons who perished during the intense battle. He befriends various Turks despite the fact they are not on the friendliest of terms. He finds that his eldest son was sent to a POW camp and he continues the search against all odds and the wishes on the British government. It's interesting and he is quite the diplomat as the gorgeous Olga Kurylenko falls for him because she's in the same situation waiting for her husband to return from the same battle. Bottom Line: 7.1 out of 10. It's a good story and an able cast, but it does get a bit boring and long throughout the story. I'm glad the running time is around 100 minutes because much more than that would have been too much. Worth a rental if you're looking for an uplifting drama.

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