Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sicario: Action/Drama Done Right

Movies I want to see I avoid as much of the trailers & information as possible. Sicario I saw a trailer for and knew I'd be seeing it. Great casting of Benecio del Toro (Unreal), Emily Blunt, and Josh Brolin, but they had me at "Benecio del Toro play badass drug cartel cop.". It gets paralleled to his role in Traffic, but this is MUCH different because it makes his Traffic role seem like he was a Pixar movie character. Sicario jumps right into the action by following Blunt, an AZ police officer in the kidnapping division, on an arrest/smashing into a drug cartel house. They find none of the people they are looking for, but the walls are lined with dead bodies and it's crazy. Blunt is added to a special task force that's going to actively get after the cartel responsible for the house of horrors. Brolin is the Government official running it, but del Toro is the fist of the operation, the Hand of God capable of just about anything. I don't want to talk a lot about the details of the movie, but I do want to say it's the best action/drama I've seen in a long time and that del Toro and Blunt will both be nominated for best acting awards and this will be on the block for best picture. Bottom Line: 9.4 out of 10. Great everything in this movie and it should be seen in theatres immediately. I love being around for Oscar season. I liked this more than the Martian, though they are very different movies.

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