Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I'm Sure I'm in the Wrong Here, but...

Donald Sterling is without a doubt not a nice human being. I support nothing of what he said, but I also cannot support Adam Silver revocation of his franchise, at least I don't think so. He still needs to be voted out by other owners, but Silver handed him what would seem to be a death sentence. I realize selling the team he bought for pennies compared to what he's going to sell it for may not seem like a "penalty", but owning a team is an ultimate status symbol. Sterling made a few billion dollars, therefore he can own his own NBA team. Being a racist asshole doesn't revoke that right. Apparently the conversation being used to get him tossed from the NBA was also obtained illegally, at least it's illegal to record a conversation without the other parties consent, or at least knowledge. Once again, Donald Sterling is a fucking asshole, BUT we also live in a country where assholes are afforded constitutional protection. I'm a little torn on this one. I think Sterling is a piece of shit, but he was lured into showing those colors, recorded illegally by, and this is paraphrasing, a prostitute, or something DAMN close that this asshole was "dating". I'm assuming there may have ben something ransom related, or something behind the scenes to further cloud this shitstorm, but I'm not certain we'll ever know. This whole things sucks, but perhaps getting him out of the NBA by any means necessary will be worth it and awesome for long suffering Clippers fans. I don't think it's fair to mention that Sterling was a shitty owner, this is separate to the issue, but it also gets tossed in. I do like that a lifetime of being an asshole is catching up to Sterling, even when he's 81. Larry King even spoke ill of him, which made me smile. Moving forward though does an unpopular owner have to be wary of saying something stupid, racist, irrational, etc. in case his franchise can get pulled from him? Does this give more clout to owner via committee like the Dodgers group? Why own a franchise by yourself if it can be taken away for some racial epitaphs and a lifetime of being a fuck? It's similar to the separation of church and state to me. Private industry, which I'm including team owners in, can't be taken away by others in the same private industry. What if a bigger asshole somehow buys the team? Has Sterling's racism hindered the advancement of minority athletes in his organization? I know Elgin Baylor sued him for racial issues, and he has been sued for being racist to his tenants, but doesn't having a few sexual harassment cases make it all better? Wait, so all those things DON'T get you kicked out, but a running talley eventually catches up with you? What offense is bad enough to get a lifetime ban? Gambling on outcomes? I just think we're treading in ugly water here and I needed to ramble about it for awhile. I still find no clarity for myself, maybe you have. Doubt it.

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