Monday, January 20, 2014


I was actually a little excited to see Wolverine since it wasn't reviewing horribly, unlike his other attempt at a solo film. Hugh Jackman does play the part well, except he's TOO big, which seems strange for a "superhero", but Wolverine is pretty small in X-Men, but whatever. The movie follows Wolverine during WWII where he was apparently a prisoner in Nagasaki, even though I'm fairly certain we didn't invade Japan yet, hence dropping a nuke on them. He saves a Japanese officer and gets a life debt offer from him. Fast forward 60 years, the guy he saved is rich as can be but dying and offers Wolverine a chance to become mortal while giving his healing powers to the dying guy. Wolverine rebukes the offer, old guy dies, yakuza attacks old guy's family members, Wolverine gets in a ton of fights. It's more unbelievable than I generally like from my action movies, which obviously happens a lot. If you can string together issues with the plot, etc., then the movie generally isn't that good and this is a clear case of that in my mind. Bottom Line: 5.4 out of 10. I really wasn't into this movie at any point. It was thoroughly disappointing and wasted the whole Japan thing for the Wolverine franchise as in the comic books it was a huge part of his life where he falls in love and has a "normal" life there essentially until his wife is murdered, but this throws that all away for a bunch of stupid fight scenes with random asian dudes.

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