Sunday, January 12, 2014

Seven Psychopaths

Showtime was kind enough to be airing Seven Psychopaths, a movie featuring Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, Colin Farrell, and Woody Harrelson, among others. It's the story of the writing of the book "Seven Psychopaths" by Colin Farrell's character, an alcoholic, barely working author. His best friend is Rockwell who wants to help him write the book starts trying to help Ferrell fill out the roster of his seven psychopaths since he's only thought of one up to that point. The tale twists and turns introducing you to the seven psychopaths and their stories. It hits a dull spot in the middle, but I really liked the movie overall. You really don't know what to expect because a lot of the characters are psychopaths. Walken is especially good, which almost goes without saying, but everyone else is very good as well. I was pleasantly surprised and very glad I took time to finally see this movie. I can't really tell you much about the plot since it would essentially be a bunch of spoilers. Trust in me, see this movie. Bottom Line: 7.7 out of 10. It's free if you have Showtime, so do yourself and favor and watch it. If nothing else just enjoy Christopher Walken in a cravat.


  1. Why do you only comment to correct me and not to praise my limited journalistic efforts? It's soul-crushing, but thanks for looking out as always T.R.

  2. Why do you only comment to correct me and not to praise my limited journalistic efforts? It's soul-crushing, but thanks for looking out as always T.R.
