Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In Time

I like the concept behind In Time because it's a kind of unique idea, and that's generally missing in the 30 remakes we've seen this year so far. Everyone has clock that has one year of time on it because you stop aging at 25 years and keep riding it out until your clock runs out. Poor people scramble and die, rich people live forever. Somehow Olivia Wilde and Justin Timberlake live day-to-day in ghetto even though they are gorgeous. You purchase everything with your "time". Timberlake stumbles upon a man with over a century of time who wants to die and donates his time to Timberlake. Timberlake's mom, Olivia Moon, dies in his arms because she runs out of time and he goes on a crusade. He infiltrates the rich area of town, starts hanging out with rich folk, but he starts getting followed by King "Timekeeper" (basically police to manage time) Cillian Murphy. He believes he stole the guys time who had a century and it wasn't a donation. Timberlake kidnaps Amanda Seyfried (who looks REALLY good in this movie) and her dad created this time scheme. They start robbing time from his banks and distributing it to the poor. Nothing great, but pretty decent all the same.

Bottom Line: 6.8 out of 10. I like the fresh idea and though it didn't WOW me in any capacity, it was worth watching on HBO.

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