Saturday, July 14, 2012


I rented Goon for dollar and I'm not certain it was well spent. There was some cool stuff, but it was clear that this film was made for $28. Everything about it was cheap except for Liev Schreiber, who should have a spin-off. Schreiber is the uber-thug, recently suspended for a Marty McSorley-esque high stick to some dudes head. Sean William Scott can't skate or do anything hockey related, but he can fight like a God. He's signed on to a minor league local club to be the enforcer, then sent up a league to protect uber-star who suffered a massive concussion at the hands of Schreiber and hasn't been the same since. It's pretty harmless and predictable, but entertaining. I seriously hope Schreiber gets a spin-off. He has a Barry Melrose mullet and amazing fu-manchu stache and is all around awesome. There's a love story that pretty much just takes up time and attempts to add depth to the story, but it's not very good, the best is the comedy from the fights.

Bottom Line: 6.5 out of 10. If it's on TV, which it surely will be shortly, I recommend a watch, or a dollar rental. I think it was a ploy for Jay Baruchel to have Sean William Scott be Jewish or something to make them seem like badasses?

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