Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I saw this at the cheap seats for $3, so I didn't go in with a lot of risk here. This film attempts to explain how the previous Planet of the Apes films are possible. I like how it tries to make it possible for monkeys to become smarter, it's not too crazy. James Franco is a scientist possessed to find a cure for Alzheimer's because his dad (John Lithgow) suffers severely from it. His company tests on monkeys, monkeys get violent and need to be put down, Franco can't put down an infant ape who was born with the chemical in their bloodstream so he sneaks it home and treats it like his own child. Ape attacks a man who attacks John Lithgow, gets thrown in an ape prison of sorts (Brian Cox of course runs it) and is mistreated. He trains the other apes, breaks out, exposes them to the chemical to make them smart (Alzheimer's Cure) which Franco has now produced in gas form because liquid form wouldn't combine with his dad's tissue for an extended period of time. Ape's get smart, escape, run wild and piss me off. If anyone can explain to me how ape's can overrun a SWAT team with guns without getting shot to shit reasonably, maybe I would have cared about this film. I made no emotional attachment to the ape-baby thing, so the movie didn't work for me. Franco and the cast is solid, story is respectable, I just got pissed when apes are lightening quick, bulletproof demons. It was preposterous.

Bottom Line: 6.1 out 10. You can watch it when it's free, just don't expect to be wowed by really anything.

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