Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ides of March

Ides of March is a story about the political machine in America. Trying to elect a man President involves shady back-dealings and side deals. Ryan "Baby Goose" Gosling is the up and coming superstar in campaign planning. He's #2 to the wise old hand of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. George Clooney is the can't miss Democratic party candidate who is running neck and neck with some other schmuck. Other schmuck is lead by the craft Paul Giamotti and political dealings and and craziness ensue. All mixed up in this is the cute intern played by a pretty blond chick I'm too lazy to look up. Gosling is doing mad work for Clooney who should be doing great, but the Republicans are voting for the other schmuck so they have a better chance to win the upcoming election. Things take a crazy turn when Giamotti attempts to seduce Gosling to his campaign calmly telling him that he's on the wrong team and that they will win Ohio and NC, wrapping up the election. Gosling starts banging hot intern, hot intern bagged Clooney and got knocked up in an amazingly short timeline by him. Everything goes into crazy tailspin mode and it's pretty good. Very solid acting all around, but the story is frankly pretty boring and lacks suspense and action. Certainly worth watching when it's nice and cheap/free for you.

Bottom Line: 7.3 out of 10. Very solid movie through and through. Big fan of Clooney directing and the great ensemble cast he put together.

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