Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day SHOUT OUT

I am one of the people growing up in this world who has a great dad. I'm just going to throw out all the things that I am very proud and in awe of my dad for, don't read this, it's going to be heart-felt and boring for the most part. This is done for me selfishly, so don't worry about it, I'll be back soon with more vulgar drivel my friends.

- Playing catch with me after a 10 hour day and driving home from La Crosse.

Not taking a job in La Crosse and up-rooting my family when I was 7, this later forced him out of office because 2 out of 5 days wasn't good enough, but I know none of us would have changed anything about it.

Coaching random sports throughout my childhood: Soccer, football, baseball & basketball, despite never playing any organized sports besides fast-pitch.

Teaching me the value of family, God, and friends. You get credit, Mom gets credit as well, no way I can leave her out of that one.

Being the rock our family has grown from since day one.

Letting us be carried again, once more, after the death of your wife and my mother. I've never seen a man stand taller in my years on earth. Your speech at her funeral was something that no movie can capture. It was the probably the most beautiful and powerful thing I have ever seen. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. I don't know if a better memorial for Mom could have happened, I wish we had a video, or at very least a transcript.

Putting family ahead of anything you had going on in your life. Speeding home from La Crosse for a youth soccer game that I wasn't going to be very good in, or refusing to miss a football game even though I rarely played my junior year.

Honesty, in all things. You would be honest about things there should have been obvious, but in an amazingly gentle and easy way.

Utilizing psychology instead of your hand or belt for teaching me that being a complete asshole, at any age, was unacceptable.

Patience, never forcing us kids in, or out of sports because it wasn't convenient, or even if it WAS a pain in the ass.

Comedy- Your sense of humor has been a part of life I have taken with me and championed my entire life.

Business- I constantly wish to draw from your well of knowledge in negotiation and selling. Now, I just beg for a few key contacts I can talk to, knowing that in dealing with you, they know the type of person that I learned from and trust is built immediately, before I say a word.

Really, there are very few things in my life I can't attribute to you. Jason once wrote a caption on a poster that hangs in your office simply stating: To the Greatest Man I know" This is a fact. It was a simple, beautiful reaffirmation of our thoughts about you. Our albeit brief, almost forced Father's Day call wasn't what you deserved, similar to the book I got you as a gift. I've felt loved from the first day I've been on this earth, I can attribute that, in part, to you.

I love you, for all the things listed and a great many more. I wish you a happy Father's Day, and only wish for many more to spend with you.

Your son,

Jeffrey KENNETH Boll


  1. Very nice, Jeff. Don't forget he raised a good man in you, good sir.

  2. I really appreciate that Nate.
