Sunday, July 18, 2010


I honestly can't remember seeing a movie that is on par with Inception in terms of being so well put together in every aspect. There are no glaring holes or WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!? moments in this film. The acting, down to the supporting cast, is just superb. This was quite possibly the best film I've seen at the theaters in my life.

The premise is that our subconscious holds secrets, memories, and ideas that can be taken from us when we are most vulnerable, in our sleep. Your memory has different levels (4) of subconscious and the deeper you go, the more intense/ real, and in their case permanent the extraction/inception becomes. Di Caprio and Levitt's characters are the best at what they do, taking memories from billion dollar companies for other companies exploitation. The stakes are raised when they are asked to plant an idea, not extract it, from Cillian Murphy's character. Nolan keeps his cards close to his chest, but nothing crazy happens like an M. Night Shamalan suckfest. It is so well written, directed, edited, and acted throughout that I have a hard time thinking it isn't as perfect a film as I've ever seen. It doesn't have the epic tale of a Schindler's List for example, but it tells a great story as well as I've seen. I can't really say enough good thing other than beware because it's a little complex, but I had no trouble following it (keep in mind I'm a genius though).

Bottom Line: 9.8 out of 10. I basically want to give it a 10, but because it's not as epic in story as Schindler's List (that's the best example I can think of) I simply can't go with a 10. See this film immediately, it's UNREAL.

I also saw Predators, the supposed proud return of the franchise. I was thinking before seeing the movie what Adrian Brody was thinking taking on this kind of meaningless meathead role, but I thought to myself: If I were him, would I want to be the same candy-ass character he was in the Pianist the rest of my career? He bulks up and does a great job as the badass Supreme of the group. Here's a thought for you; Make a spreadsheet of the characters and put down when you think they'll die in order, or if they'll survive. Take some bets, compare, and I think it'll add some fun to the film. Various soldiers/ murderers are selected by Predators to be hunted on a giant nature preserve for sport. It's pretty similar to most Predator films and not too special. Acting is decent enough, it's just not all that terrifying/gory as I thought it would be. It's good enough, just don't pay money to see it.

Bottom Line: 6.6 out of 10. Don't pay money, but it's worth 1.5 hours of your time to see this. My bet idea is genius by the way. If you're too dumb to create a scoring system, just ask.

Jennifer's Body: YUP, watched it to see Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried. Megan Fox is astoundingly beautiful and that's the highlight right there. Diablo Cody wrote, so imagine Juno quippy dialogue inserted into a horror film. It's pretty shitty simply put. It's not special in any respect other than pure eye candy. Not even going to waste time talking about the story.

Bottom Line 3.7 out of 10. Not good in any respect, watch the "highlights" on Youtube and call it a day.

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