Monday, May 3, 2010

Reservation Road

I had a Movie Gallery go out of business in the hometown, and bargain bin DVD's are my crack cocaine. I picked up Gosford Park, Reservation Road, Anvil: The Story of Anvil, The Foot Fist Way, Die Hard 2 & 3 for $14. YUP. I watched Reservation Road with Mark "Super underrated" Ruffalo, Joaquin Phoenix, Jennifer Connelly, and Dakota Fanning's sister. Very well acted throughout with Ruffalo and Phoenix carrying it. The story follows both leads after Ruffalo hit and kills Phoenix's son with his SUV on the way back from a Red Sox game with his own son, who he is attempting to reconnect with after a divorce where he lost custody. I was a big fan of how the stories were inter-twinned, but not in a lame or overbearing way. I recommend watching it if you live independent movies that's strong on stories and acting and low on budgets and bullshit.

Watching Zoolander and it makes me sad that Zoolander and Anchorman have apparently both been declined for sequels. The thought of spending $70 million on the Anchorman sequel is too much, which I can't figure out for the life of me. How can that film fail? Remaking Nightmare on Elm Street= Green Light. Sequel to great comedy that comedic geniuses are willing to work on for 1/8 their regular rate= FAIL. No wonder these film companies are failing and losing money out of their asses.

1 comment:

  1. I need to tap that shit.

    Sequels are poison, by the way. I'm pretty sure that the creators of said hilarious movies are afraid of ruining the already solid legacies they hold. The remakes are simply a lack of original thoughts. There aren't enough Christopher Nolans in the world to prevent the creation of Nightmare on Elm Streets and another Predator (Starring Adrian Brody plus 25 lbs of muscle.) Thus is the way of cinema.
