Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye: Go Douche Yourself with Sulfuric Acid

Who in the fuck interrupts the acceptance speech of a 17 year-old at the MTV Video Music Awards? Kanye West, probably drunk from some pictures I saw with him enjoying a Hennessey bottle beforehand. Why in the fuck does he think his opinion matters? We get it, you're a good lyricist/producer, but guess what? Nobody really cares when you get on your soap box and just puke stupidity out of your mouth.

His sense of entitlement is like nobody I've ever seen short of Paris Hilton/ Lindsey Lohan. At least those two have found ways to not say stupid shit in front of a lot of people who have microphones or cameras. How do you go about making this right? Who steals the spotlight of a 17 year-old only to tell them that they are not deserving of the award that people with a whole lot more intelligence than Kanye voted her the winner? Note: it didn't matter if it was a bunch of screaming teenage girls who can barely read or write besides Twitter drivel, or a panel of Rhodes scholars, anyone voting is smarter than Kanye West.

It's called an opinion. People feel the way they do about things, but you DO NOT always need to have your opinions known to the world. Most people realize that their opinion is not more important than everyone else's, but this has no effect on KanGay. He needs to get smacked around by Beanie Seigel or something. His apology was even awful. All caps, saying he apologized to Taylor Swift's mom already and a bunch of other dumb shit. Then he ends it with saying he gave his awards to Outkast when they were clearly better than he was. The same guy who calls out the world when he doesn't win album of the year? Yup, he has a whole bunch of humility and grace. Somebody please try to rape him with an AIDS/malaria/ bubonic plague/ tuberculosis/ cholera/ polio/ Paris Hilton's vaginal discharge soaked stick and hope he learns something.

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