Monday, May 25, 2009

Terminator Certainly not a Source of Salvation

So I continued my senseless and shameless viewing of all Summer blockbusters with a viewing of Terminator: Salvation. It was a decent film that would be great if you are an imbecile. There are just glaring plot holes that just cannot be looked past.

There is some very good action that avoids the miserable jump-cuts that have been the rage ever since Batman Begins. That was going to be the source of an entire post, how miserable I am that I have to take Dramamine before watching most "action" movies. Every time a punch is thrown you don't need to cut to someone going flying through the air. Any fuckclown hack can do a fight scene like that, good directors can actually film an entire scene. I don't know if it's because they have to hide that stunt doubles do all the real work or what, but it severely pisses me off.

The movie is very intense and doesn't give you a lot of time to think about how glaringly stupid much of the film is. It's dumber than drunken short bus students. I won't ruin it for you, but for being heartless killing machines, Terminators often seem more interested in playing handball with John Connor's body than actually killing him. They like to use him to ruin drywall more than just snapping him in half, which they are more than capable of doing. That's a minor squabble, there are much bigger glaring plot holes that hit you in the face like the stench of rotting roadkill.

I dissect things a little more than most, but you can't help but ask yourself why the fuck didn't they just do this instead? You can still see the film and be entertained for $7.50, what a special matinee price that is, but you certainly won't be in the wrong saving yourself the cash and waiting. Moon Bloodgood is pretty cool and hot, so that's a plus. Bryce whatever his name is does a pretty good job of being a badass, which bodes well for him since Vin Diesel likes to do Nanny films instead of being the toughest 5' 6" guy you know. The film is shot gritty, which is pretty cool, but I just can't look past the same stupid shit in every action movie that's not well written.

Bottom line: 6.5 out of 10. Hopefully they come out with a director's cut with Moon Bloodgood's nude scene put back in and more realism. I think there's like 4 swear words in it, it's war, not a game of Scrabble.

1 comment:

  1. you should stick to movie reviews. you are good.

    oh and either you or imdb is on crack because "bryce whatever his name is" is actually bryce dallas howard who played connor's wife...and she wasn't much of a badass (unless of course you're comparing her with the current vin diesel...then it makes perfect sense.
