Thursday, June 2, 2016

X-Men: Apocalpyse

There was excitement with the introduction of an excellent villain in Apocalypse. Then, I noticed it was Oscar Isaac, who I really like, but they didn't DO enough to him. He was short, with a big coat and some blue facepaint. He looked too human for my liking. Interesting premise in that he existed for centuries accumulating various mutant powers throughout, yet he consistently fails in using them well... Fassbender is awesome in being domesticated Magneto. I like McAvoy's Professor X. I really like Jennifer Lawrence in any capacity. This tries way too hard to introduce various X-Men themes and it ends up being exhausting and sloppy. It's like Singer took a bet to see how many X-Men plotlines he could tie into this thing. The simple premise is Apocalypse is trying to end the world by gathering his Four Horseman and getting to it, but the subplots really get in the way. It's a pleasure to see Olivia Munn as Psylocke, but she is seldom used. I enjoyed some of the film, for the most part besides a sloppy scene with a ship and containers the CGI is top notch. The acting is generally decent. There's just too much stuff getting thrown into the pot for this film that for me, it ruined the stew. Bottom Line: 6.5 out of 10. Just not much to be impressed by and those fleeting moments get furthered buried by 34 different subplots.

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