Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dope: Limited Budget Gold

Dope follows a group of "nerdy" kids in Englewood, CA. There are three in the group and they live 90's hip-hop style. High-tops that rival Will Smith's at his peak, but not quite Kid from Kid n' Play. They deal with the realities that to get to a good college it takes a lot. They start hanging out with a drug dealer who stuffs a backpack with two kilos of MDMA (Molly) and off the adventure goes. Great references to 90's culture and hip-hop is all of the place, so I dug that. ASAP Rocky makes a guest appearance and is great in his turn as the drug dealer they start hanging out with. Bottom Line: 8. 8 out of 10. Underrated hit this year that is well done throughout. It's worth watching and poses the great question of are kids in "rough" neighborhoods looked down upon (yes) during college applications and does their experiences in fact make them a better choice than white kids from privileged upbringings? Big fan and I hope this gets some love during awards season.

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