Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Purge: Anarchy Round Two of Failure

The Purge takes the noble concept that if once a year we all took a 12 hour period and had no rules that everyone would be happier for the other 364 days. Instead of making these movies a crazy, Mad Max-esque action film that throws crazy shit at you for 90 minutes, this ugly think clunks and sputters trying to form characters you care about in 3 minutes or less and then have them endure some epic survival adventure. It's shocking to me how someone takes an idea so crazy and new, yet the movie is cookie cutter and lame. I found myself playing around on my computer and watching tennis on the other TV in much greater proportion than THE PURGE: ANARCHY. Bottom Line: 2.9 out of 10. Even the shitty CGI blood sucked at some parts. There was no redeeming qualities other than the bad guy with the gatling gun mounted truck looks actually pretty badass. Everything else was shit garbage.

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