Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Whiplash: J.K. Simmons Oscar on a Silver Platter

J.K. Simmons playing a psychotic band teacher prone to fits of rage? How could THAT role EVER work out? It was made for J.K. Simmons and he knocks it out of the park for the most part. The film follows a drummer prodigy played by Myles Teller who is accepted into an academy to essentially play drums. He works harder than everyone and gets invited to Simmons' symphony as a freshman (AKA "First year" in band talk), which simply doesn't happen. Simmons threatens him and berates him verbally, as well as the other players. Teller becomes even more devoted to his craft and essentially obsessed by it. He practices the point of blisters and callouses that bleed all over the drums. The relationship between Simmons and Teller is essentially the film, but there's entirely too much Teller & not enough Simmons, hence the best SUPPORTING actor Oscar for Simmons. Bottom Line: 8.2 out of 10. Certainly worth watching for Simmons just OWNING it as the psychotic band teacher. Not on par with some of the other best films nominated, but it's worth watching.

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