Saturday, November 15, 2014

Interstellar: Stephen Hawking Consulting Firm

Interstellar is a journey more than a movie, like standard Christopher Nolan fare. This movie digs DEEP into Black Hole theory and space/time stuff. Mr. ALright, Alright, Alright, is excellent, as are Matt Damon, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine (SIR MICHAEL CAINE probably), Casey Afflack, etc (Great casting). The story is set in the future where Earth is rejecting us and crop failures are common place. They convince COOP (Not Trey Parker from BASEketball) to man a space craft to go through a Black Hole near Saturn to explore other possibly inhabitable planets to sustain life. 11 missions already went out and 3 were still in contact with Earth and potentially habitable. Anne Hathaway, dude from the Hunger Games with the crazy facial hair who Donald Sutherland has murdered, and a black scientist guy who I haven't seen in any other films go out and attempt to find which planet would be best for Earth part 2. The visuals are excellent in IMAX, though nothing is 3D or anything revolutionary, it just looks great. The bass is overwhelming and it makes for some strange sound related issues, but that was probably the theatres fault. You are subjected to crazy, WAYYYY above your head scientific theories, but the story and acting carry the day. The fact I know nothing of space/time continuum stuff didn't ruin this one for me. It's an emotional rollercoaster that's worth being a part of. DO NOT read into spoilers/etc, the less you know the better, per usual. Bottom Line: 8.8 out of 10. Very good film that is worth throwing $15 at to see properly in IMAX. It's very impressive on all levels.


  1. Pretty sure you meant Matt McConaughey and not Matt Damon.

  2. Matt Damon is in this thing as well actually.

  3. Well how do you like them apples

  4. I gawt her numbah, how do you like dem apples?
