Sunday, June 8, 2014

Kick Ass 2

I took a flier on Kick Ass 2 while it was on Cinemax. It catches up with our characters from the original as Hit Girl starts her freshman year, Dave (Kick Ass guy) goes into his Senior year. They bring in some new characters, Chris Mintz-Pleese (Or whatever McGlovin's real name is) reprises his role as the weird and social media obsessed villain. That social media part was the a little scary thinking of all the stupid things, criminal and otherwise, that go on to get a few million Youtube views. That part did bother me and it was smart to show the utilization of social media for good and evil recruiting purposes. Mintz-Plaase relishes the role of villain and obsesses over popularity and the thought of having Kick Ass' death on Youtube. The fighting is alright, but you have no feelings or vested interest the the charcters, good or evil. The first was a little funnier and did a better job of making fun of how ridiculous the "superhero" idea is. Bottom Line: 5.4 out of 10. Had some entertaining moments as Chloe Grace Moretz is still VERY impressive as Hit Girl for all the stunts, etc she pulls off. Her acting doesn't follow her action abilities, but she's still probably the only thing that's going to come from this series. Jim Carrey has a pretty good turn in it. I really wouldn't recommend watching this one.

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