Thursday, March 13, 2014

300: Rise of an Empire

I ponied up and saw 300: Rise of an Empire in 3D since I figured that was the way to watch a bunch of dudes getting stabbed and hacked to pieces. The story actually takes place during the original 300's stand and 10 years before when the Athenians originally defeated Kind Dareus and killed him upon his first attempt at taking over Greece. The movie follows Athenian hero Themistocles (didn't check the spelling) who hit King Dareus with the most impossible arrow shot in movie history possibly and killed him. Artemista (played by Eva Green) is in charge of the Persian Navy and she convinces Prince, now King Xerxes after Dareus is dead, to invade Greece again. For some reason it takes ten years, but they get after it and crazy sea battles ensue. It's entertaining and has some impressive moments in 3D. It's a little crazy how easy some people have it in hacking 10 guys to pieces in a few seconds, but it's to be expected. I imagine it's more impressive in IMAX, but drop $15 at your own peril. Bottom Line: 6.7 out of 10. You know what you're getting in to, so it's easier to let blatently crazy shit not bother you as much. If you liked the original 300, you're probably going to like this one. Certainly wasn't disappointed in my $8 purchase.

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