Friday, October 11, 2013

Wreck It Ralph: The Beauty of Kid's Movies

I DVR'd Wreck It Ralph off of Starz and was super glad I did. It was everything to love about a child's movie. The premise is Wreck It Ralph after 30 years of being "the bad guy" of Fix it Felix Jr. he is done being bad and unloved. He starts to explore other games to try to win a medal and that will get him the love and respect of everyone in his game. He embarks on a crazy adventure and the voices of John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, and Jane Lynch make it a ton of fun. It's a great lesson of giving everyone a chance and that everyone is good at something. I was just a huge sap and teary-eyed for a lot of the great moments ofteaching and sappiness. It's just a must-see for kids and adults alike in my mind. I was just all about it for some reason. Bottom Line: 8.8 out of 10. I was just an enormous fan. It was cute, cuddly, and sappy, but just so endearing. I didn't delete it off the DVR. I'll be having nieces and nephews watch it after I buy like 4 of them as Christmas gifts. It was a joy for me.

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