It's honestly random things I experience and feel like writing about for the entertainment of my friends and others. If you don't agree with me I really don't care, so please don't try to piss and moan about my pissing and moaning.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Gravity- IMAX Cinematography Porn
I indulged in Gravity, but only in 3D and not in IMAX. The story follows Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, and another guy in space on a mission to repair the Hubble telescope. Bullock is a doctor, Clooney a career astronaut, and the Indian dude is some kind of doctor I think from Harvard. They are making repairs in space when debris from a satellite come firing at them at an incredible rate of speed and start to ruin their day. In 3D the space scenes were all very impressive and there was the feeling that the actors were legitimately in space, so it's a very impressive feat. The story is mainly Bullock's to carry, but Clooney is also phenomenal. The real star is the cinematography and camera work throughout, but it's an interesting story that goes from pretty ho-hum and boring to panicked moments of craziness instantly. I'm going to recommend it, but it's probably worth the extra dollars to watch in IMAX, as it was intended.
Bottom Line: 8.2 out of 10. Impressive technology and camera work. Good acting and storytelling also pair nicely. At the end of the day it's a pretty stripped down film, but it'll keep you involved for 1.5 hours, that's a fact Jack (I need to find my own catch phrase I just decided, help is accepted).
Friday, October 11, 2013
Wreck It Ralph: The Beauty of Kid's Movies
I DVR'd Wreck It Ralph off of Starz and was super glad I did. It was everything to love about a child's movie. The premise is Wreck It Ralph after 30 years of being "the bad guy" of Fix it Felix Jr. he is done being bad and unloved. He starts to explore other games to try to win a medal and that will get him the love and respect of everyone in his game. He embarks on a crazy adventure and the voices of John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, and Jane Lynch make it a ton of fun. It's a great lesson of giving everyone a chance and that everyone is good at something. I was just a huge sap and teary-eyed for a lot of the great moments ofteaching and sappiness. It's just a must-see for kids and adults alike in my mind. I was just all about it for some reason.
Bottom Line: 8.8 out of 10. I was just an enormous fan. It was cute, cuddly, and sappy, but just so endearing. I didn't delete it off the DVR. I'll be having nieces and nephews watch it after I buy like 4 of them as Christmas gifts. It was a joy for me.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Homeland Season 3: What is Going On? Other Stuff TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been attempting to get familiar with some of the new shows and attempts to keep other shows fresh and exciting. I'm going to give my two cents on a few things and will cover Homeland and The City of Life and Death in more detail.
New Shows: Mom on CBS with Anna Faris has been entertaining thus far. It's another Chuck Lorre show that's been pretty solid. Anna Faris is a very young mother of two who has her own teenage daughter who is also now pregnant. Faris' mother had her when she was a teen as well and now she's back in the picture. It's a really solid set of characters with the exception of the teenage daughter, who I am fairly saddened by her efforts. Faris is excellent, Badger from Breaking Bad has a limited but hilarious role as Faris' second child's father. The grandmother played by Allison Janney is very solid as well. I recommend checking it out.
Hello Ladies- A solid effort from HBO following the comical dating stories and life of a tall, goofy-looking Englishman played by Stephen Merchant. You'll notice some other characters, but they aren't famous by any stretch. The strength is in Merchant and his character, who is just plain funny. He's got some good one liners, but he's just funny enough to carry it. He tries way too hard, gets walked all over, and deals with it in hilarious ways.
I haven't watched any other shows like the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Robin Williams/ Sarah Michelle Geller's new show.
The City of Life and Death follows a gruesome historical tale often referred to as "The Rape of Nanking". In 1937 on the eve of World War II the Japanese took over China. The capital city was then Nanking and the horrors are numerous. This movie depicts the fall of the city and some of the more brutal aspects of the takeover. It's shot in beautiful black and white and parallels Schindler's List in that respect. It's the same awful feeling where you essentially feel like everyone is going to die and their lives are as expendable as ants. There are numerous rapes and horrors that are depicted throughout including a moment where at a church run by a German, who has favor since Japan was still trying to be friendly with Hitler, the Japanese commander instructs everyone there that they will be taking 100 women to the front lines to please the Japanese troops. Your heart drops as a few women volunteer to be sex slaves, a life as brutal as any imaginable. It's a Japanese and subtitled, but the story, acting, and cinematography are top notch. It's very heartbreaking and tough, but like Schindler's List it has a realism and feel that's unmatched in most film.
Bottom Line: 7.8 out of 10. It's brutal, so I can't recommend it unless you enjoyed Schindler's List and can stomach it.
Homeland Season 3: It's been pretty awful watching Homeland this season. Claire Danes' "Carrie", the smartest women in the room, can't seem to pull her shit together enough to not seem completely bat-shit crazy all the time. She's compulsive and essentially stupid this season and it's bothering the shit out of me. Her psychiatric condition is being used as a huge plot point and it's brutal. She pulled it together all of Season 2 and most of Season 1, but NOW since she's off her medication she blows up in public and constantly fucks up. Why can't she hold ANYTHING together? The lack of Damien Lewis (Brody) and his replacement with his family is also painful. His daughter is not a main character and her essentially taking on a leading role is bullshit. I don't give a fuck what happens to her and the fact she's getting a lot of screen time is fucking the show up in my opinion. Thank God the gold standard of Mandy Patinkin is still killing it as Saul and his moments are the best. It better get it's shit together soon so I can continue to actually want to watch it and not feel like I owe it to the show for it's previous efforts. It's consistently comes to my attention that Claire Danes constantly just throws her "lost puppy dog eyes" look, as I call it, all the time and it passes as excellent acting. I'm not sure it isn't, but seriously, she throws the same look at the camera 50% of the time. Save me Damian Lewis, save me.
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