Monday, September 2, 2013

Killer Elite

I seriously don't know why De Niro has decided to take every role his agent brings through the door. This film apparently was about a true story from the 80's where Britain was involved in a war in Oman that killed some of a rich oil "Shieks", though I'm not sure that's the proper word, sons in a less than honorable way. Statham plays a mercenary, shocking I know, who is hired to kill the men responsible for the Sheik's sons deaths. They first kidnap De Niro because Statham, really STRETCHING his acting chops, stopped being a mercenary after killing an El Salvadorian (apparently that's the correct terminology) man in front of his young son. De Niro is held captive and Statham gets to work killing people with a couple of random dudes that apparently are all better at killing people than the British SAS (Special forces) whom one of the fuck clowns with Statham said makes the Navy Seals look like some derogatory term that I forgot. Anyway Clive Owen is former SAS and charged with doing some dirt for the rich, older SAS members whom are now in a club and have power as bankers called the "Feather Touch" or something like that. I care too little to dig deeper and find out for sure. Owen tries to stop Statham and Co, they try to kill his former colleagues. I was a little pissed off because for a movie set in the 80's they probably shouldn't be driving 90's era cars, or having night vision goggles and tiny cameras that look like they run on fiber optic cable. I also can't fathom how they throw in a random woman that Statham is in love with and she loves him too apparently. It gets in the way and is ridiculous. Anyway there's some twists and turns, but overall it's pretty ridiculous and a little boring. Bottom Line: 5.2 out of 10. It's free on Netflix, but I'm sure you can do better. Surprisingly good cast, but just not workable material. Script and everything else seemed rushed and shitty. Munich was better is an easy way to think about it. Sad they drug De Niro & Clive Owen into this piece of shit.

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