Tuesday, July 16, 2013

MEGA REVIEW since I only do one post per month now...

The Purge- I saw the Purge thinking a movie about killing people can never be bad. As you can assume, it was a play on society and the value of all human life, even if you're black and poor. Ethan Hawke is a rich dude who got rich selling home security systems protecting rich people during the 12-hour Government sponsored Sodom and Gomorrah shitshow known as the Purge. You can do whatever you want for 12 hours. Rape, murder, littering, it's all gravy. During the Purge in the movie, surprisingly things go badly. I'm going to start ruining this shit now, so SPOILER ALERT if you care about not being surprised. Hawke's daughter is supposed to be 15 dating an old guy who is supposed to be 18, but the actor is 38 or so. He leaves before the Purge only to someone "sneak" back into the house because he wants to talk to her Dad (Hawke) to explain their love on the only night where he can be brutally murdered for wanting to de-flower his minor daughter. Brilliant idea, I know, and the movie is loaded with them. The house is in full "lock down" where plate steel slides over the doors and windows making it look like a prison for Hannibal Lector types. His jackass creepy son who likes to hide in the closet and drive around a doll that's a camera on a remote control car chassis. It's nothing but weird and fucking dumb. ANYWHO he hears a guy yelling in the street for help since he's poor and about to be murdered by any number of people looking for a homeless, unarmed man to murder during THE PURGE. His dipshit son lets him into the house because life is precious and that kids a dipshit. Homeless, wounded, athletic, strong, black dude is now in the house. Hawke obviously isn't a huge fan and before anything can happen the daughter's boyfriend tries to shoot Hawke, which is always a mistake because Jake Hoight is not to be fucked with. He shoots the kid, wounded homeless guy runs away and all hell breaks loose. After awhile rich, preppy white kids knock on the giant plate steel door with an ultimatum to let them murder the homeless guy to soothe their homicidal madness that gets unleashed once a year so everyone is happy the other 364.5 days of the year, or his family will also be slaughtered. They can't find him, the kids tear off the plate steel like it's fucking tin foil and madness ensues. There's some cool stuff and then the movie takes a few twists and ends. Bottom line: 6.1 out of 10. That's higher than it should be, but I did enjoy some of the film. I hate stupid shit in horror movies like his candy-ass son endangering everyone letting the crazy looking wounded homeless guy in, OR the daughter's boyfriend who thinks he's Jason Bourne all the fuck sudden. Hawke's excellent, everyone else is serviceable but unspectacular. His kids are very unspectacular, but it holds your attention for the 80 minutes it runs. Go rent it when you're bored, it's worth it for cheap thrills. WOLRD WAR Z: I took a flier on some Summer fun about the world going crazy. World War Z combines zombie and viral horror and has Brad Pitt, who is really good at acting. He carries the film as a former UN investigator who wants to be super dad, but his friends in the UN won't let the impending apocalypse just happen without getting him involved. He has a family that's also shuttled with him to an aircraft carrier that's essentially serving as the Pentagon while earth gets fucked by crazy virus zombies that are superhuman. Pitt is fitted with the small task of finding how this happened, then concocting a vaccine with a super doctor. There's a lot of really good action and Pitt really carries it. There's a few fucking ridiculous moments, like zombies climbing over a 50 foot (or so) wall in Israel by climbing a wall of themselves. If you don't think that's fucking insane try just walking on live bodies while they're moving. It's fucking dumb. Moving forward the hunt for "Patient Zero"/ the origin is interesting and there are some great characters exposed and Pitt shines. Bottom Line; 7.4 out of 10. I'd recommend seeing it in the theaters because I honestly think if you don't see if on the big screen it will lose something. A solid film for all. Hangover III: I was excited when I saw this first came out, but I didn't hear much praise. It's at the $3 cheap seats, so I took a flyer myself. It's a departure from the norm, but the same crew. That should be the strength, but there's too much Leslie Chow, who excels in a bit role, but struggles when his character is expanded on. Doug has to hate these movies because once again he's got about 4 lines and is largely gone for the film. It's more of a strange action/adventure with some comedy sprinkled in, which was a huge disappointment. John Goodman is fun as a Vegas gangster, he's the only newcomer on this one. Bottom Line: 6.0 out of 10. A few cheap laughs, but largely unsatisfying. It did attempt to bring closure to a comedy series, which is very rare and it's pretty nice, but it's ruined by the 20 second clip one minute into the credits. Similar silliness, different plot, unspectacular. Rent when you want some cheap laughs and have ZERO expectations.

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