Monday, November 26, 2012

Lincoln: The BiWOWgraphy

Preface: I'm a huge history, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Steven Spielberg fan. This film attempts to let you in on the part of history when the 13th Amendment passed. It abolished slavery and ended forced servitude in America and her holding. The story focuses heavily on Abraham Lincoln, as well it should. DDL does just an amazing job with an incredibly complex character. The cast is star studded besides DDL featuring: Sally Field, David Strathairn (Bourne Ultimatum Guy), Joseph Gordon-Levitt, James Spader, Tommy Lee Jones, John Hawkes, and Jackie Earle Haley. Some of the actors seem tragically underused, but the story if paramount here. How does a President pass an Amendment that isn't necessarily popular? 2/3 of the vote of the House of Congress is no joke and this shows the shady dealings of how this happens even in 1865. The Civil War is shown as it comes to an inevitable end after the South is attacked from the sea and land as Richmond is within striking distance. Lincoln needs to seal the deal to ensure slavery isn't re-enacted once the South is re-instated. Tommy Lee Jones is the strongest voice of pro-abolitionist sentiment and is an angry, old, silver tongued genius. They sprinkle in Lincoln's troubled marriage and family life due to the enormous toll and time the war, etc. takes on Old Abe. It really brings the time together and makes you feel a part of January of 1865. Superb acting, a very interesting and excellent story, and the standard amazing directing of Spielberg bring home a great film. Bottom Line: 9.1 out of 10. Just a superb film throughout showing us a amazing part of our proud history. Fans of history, great acting, and either Spielberg or Daniel Day-Lewis should run out and see this ASAP.

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