Saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie at the cheap seats and I was very entertained. I am an ENORMOUS Robert Downey Jr. fan, so I'm biased. He does an amazing job portraying a VERY complex character. Jared Harris is an excellent professor Moriarty, Holmes' greatest nemesis. Jude Law returns as does Rachel McAdams. This follows solely Holmes obsession with catching Moriarty red-handed in being the greatest criminal mastermind in the world. It is an epic journey much more action oriented than the first film. Good story tracking Moriarty around Europe and his various actions and countering everything. It gets a little weird with his "slow the world down" stuff, but you can get past it. You are always a few steps behind and it's never ridiculous enough to piss you off. Twists, turns, and a lot of ass kicking.
Bottom Line: 8.4 out of 10. Need to see it at some point since it's cheap now, I can't imagine you being disappointed on this one. It's just really good all the way around.
Fantastic film