Stone is a strange character study with Edward Norton, Milla Jovovich, and Robert De Niro getting put on display. Norton is a criminal facing 10-15 for arson on his grandparents house he burned after his cousin murdered them. De Niro is a prison psychologist who holds all the cards in getting Norton (Stone) out early. Jovovich is Norton's too hot wife who whores herself to De Niro (and others) to get Stone out early. It's weird and a bit of a stretch, but it's OK. They are all really good with the exception of Norton, because it really isn't possible to see him as an uneducated, white-trash thug in my eyes. Jovovich is really good as the seductress who spends her days being a pre-school teacher, though with her night time exploits I can't imagine her being very good at it.
Bottom Line: 6.7 out of 10. Worth a free viewing on a movie channel, but I wouldn't actively search it out. Decent twists to make it interesting, and I feel a strangely religious message at the end of it.
I believe this is still available on Netflix Instant. I agree with you for the most part, but would go with more of a 7.4 out of 10.