Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saints and Soldiers

Saints and soldiers is a story of four soldiers who escape after being captured during the execution of the other prisoners. The story follows them through their journey through the winter in occupied France. It's really a character study of the four soldiers and the British paratrooper they find along the way. It's pretty slow going as their isn't really fighting, or war of any kind. It's very well done for an independent war movie. It's your typical the Germans are more like us than you think type stuff. There isn't much fighting, just really small skirmishes here and there. It's PG-13, which is always disappointing for a war movie. It does stay pretty realistic despite the childish rating. It's actually very gritty and the wounds are very clearly shown for a PG-13 movie. It won the independent Spirit award and some other independent awards. It's a decent enough story. Not sure if it warranted the $2 purchase from Pawn America, but I'm going to give it to my dad as a Christmas present anyway. Pretty much a rather dreary, dark story for the most part.

Bottom Line: 6.5 out of 10. For sure it's worth watching if it gets picked up on cable or something, but don't search for it. A free Netflix viewing would also be acceptable on this one.

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