So, I really tried hard not to hate Brett Favre for his constant shit-show every year. I felt bad for him when the Packers made the right business decision and got rid of him to let Aaron Rodgers play for 1/6th the money (or something like that). I fully supported him playing elsewhere because obviously he wasn't going to be allowed to play for the Packers. I even went as far to defend the fact he was old and really didn't need that much training camp because he's been around long enough and doesn't need to be in great physical shape to play QB. I defended him because his play always outshone his other bullshit. I got sick of hearing about him, but due to his great play last year, I overlooked the previous year's of the same fiasco. I can't give Brett a free pass this year. This is just utter insanity. Could ESPN leave this shit alone? The LEBRONATHON that we had to witness was no better, but Favre hits a new height because every year he does this.
How can you not know whether you can play or not play? I really am in a state of shock over this. Ed Warder chasing him to the high school where he likes to throw around a ball and look like a has-been fuck. How can he enjoy this circus? If he doesn't want it, why doesn't he stay indoors, or go to Taipei? It's making my eyes and ears bleed. This is such a rough patch for sports since it's just baseball and pure speculation from here on out. I need something to patch this void to not allow ESPN to talk about rumors and bullshit for 45 minutes out of an hour show. They just shovel shit and football is going to be so welcome I want to just draft a fantasy football team a day to pass the time.
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