Yesterday some of my friends lost their father. I never wanted to take this to a personal note, but I guess it may be the thing to do.
There is simply nothing in this world that can prepare you for the loss of someone in your life. The loss of a parent is indescribable. If anybody didn't know my Mom passed away January 12, 2005 four days before I turned 20. I still think about it every day of my life. It's the hardest thing in the world to endure and watch someone melt away before your eyes. You have the luxury of telling the person how much you love them, but cancer is unbelievable cruel on a human being. It eats you up inside and the memories of it certainly haunt me still.
Why I'm writing this is to try to let you know how to help somebody going through something so terrible. I doubt they'll want to talk about it, but just keep an ear open to them. I can't tell you how much it would mean to them to be at the wake. My personal example is my freshman year roommate came all the way from Reedsburg by himself to sit through a line that took probably two hours just to say his condolence. It meant a ton to me and in my eyes solidified him as one of my best friends.
Everyone is going to deal with such a horrific loss differently, but just try to be there as much as you can. Don't beat them over the head with it, but try to help out where you can. Throw up a prayer or two to the big fella upstairs. Cook them a meal perhaps, that helped out my family a ton. Understand that you don't understand, but just let them know you care about them and will be there to help out with whatever. You REALLY lean on your friends and family during the rough stretch that follows, and you lean hard. Don't be weirded out when someone lets it all out around you, just be there for them, which may mean nothing more than, as corny as it sounds, being a shoulder to cry on.
The only sure thing in life is death. Everyone knows this, but you still can't prepare for it happening right in front of you. Basically if you are close to the Hedgepath's make sure to reach out to them, but apply this to anyone who is going through a similar situation. Your actions will certainly mean more to them than the few hours of your time will to you.
Next post will be WAY more light-hearted and bitchy, I promise.
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